Scam Detection

Stay safe from scams - let AI spot fraud! Enter a suspicious message, or explain the situation, or upload a screenshot, and let our AI analyze it for scam.

Analysis Results

Warning Signs:

    How It Works

    Step 1

    Paste a suspicious message or upload a screenshot.

    Step 2

    Click "Analyze for Scams" & AI will look for scam patterns.

    Step 3

    Get a scam likelihood score, insights & suggestions.

    Common Scams

    Phishing Emails – Fake emails pretending to be from banks, asking for login details.
    Investment Scams – "Too good to be true" offers promising high returns.
    Love Scams – Scammers build trust online and ask for money later.
    Fake Job Offers – Unsolicited job offers requiring upfront payment.
    Police or Bank Impersonation Calls – Threatening calls pretending to be from authorities.
    If a message asks for money, personal details, or feels urgent and suspicious, be extra cautious!


    Our AI is trained on scam patterns, but no detection is 100% perfect. Always double-check with authorities if you're unsure.

    Yes we do store the messages and images for further analysis. We do recommend you not to include any personal details like name, email, address, phone number in the text or images you submit.

    If something feels off, trust your instincts. Never share personal details or send money. Contact your bank or the authorities for further advice.

    While it can identify many known scam types, scammers evolve daily. This tool provides guidance, but always stay cautious.

    In Malaysia, you can report scams to:
    • National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) in Malaysia – Call 997
    • Bank Negara Malaysia (for financial fraud) – Visit their website


    This AI-powered tool provides scam likelihood analysis but is not a 100% guarantee. If you're unsure about a message, email, or call, it's safest to avoid engaging. When in doubt, consult your bank, local authorities, or cybersecurity experts for professional advice.


    ScamGuard was created to help people detect and avoid online scams using AI. With the rise of phishing messages, fake calls, and fraudulent emails, our mission is to provide a simple, fast, and reliable way to analyze suspicious content. While no tool is 100% foolproof, we aim to educate and empower users to stay safe from scams.